Monday, August 19, 2013


Hello everyone.
For those of you who truly know me, you know I have dreamed about coming to England for years now.  For those of you who might not know me as well, you at least know that I am obsessed with soccer (I guess football now) and have been for basically my whole life. Which in the end my obsession with football and England correlate into me wanting to come study here in England.  Over the next few months I will try to post updates on this blog and try to share my experiences the best I can with the people I care about and I know care about me back home. If I start to slack on my blogs don't hesitate to email me at ( and tell me to pick it up.  I hope y'all enjoy this, and I am excited to start off on this adventure and see what God has planned for me over these next three-four months. And for picture sake, here is the sole reason I am obsessed with England. I watch every game (at times seven in the morning due to the time difference). The team below is Tottenham Hotspur, based in North London, and I plan to go to a few matches and enjoy the soccer first atmosphere for a few months while I can.

-Braden Davidson

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